Village Care
Village Care was first established in 1988 , thanks to founders, Gaby Kliessner and Terry and Anne Holdgate. The intention was to help those ‘who found it hard to manage‘ and from the outset it provided transport for hospital and other medical appointments, home visits and a Tuesday lunch club to provide people with much needed social interaction.
It subsequently became a registered charity and continues to provide a range of services with the help of more than 40 volunteers. It also fund raises for particular projects, such as the play equipment on the village green, training of coaches to support the children’s cricket, the defibrillator installed at the Community Centre and first aid courses.
Now, it continues…..
- transport scheme in partnership with the Surgery, whereby anyone without their own means of transport can request transport to medical appointments. With volunteer drivers, Village Care can provide this as highly subsidized rates
- social activities for older people. Before COVID, this was mostly through the regular Tuesday Lunch Club but this format is currently being reviewed.
- supporting Active Aldborough, which organises (i) Wednesday morning walks ‘fresh air, exercise and conversation’ (start from the surgery every Wednesday 11am) and supporting the (ii) Friday morning Extend exercise classes ‘gentle exercise which can be done sitting down’
Volunteers helped with shopping during lockdown Village Care provides transport for hospital appointments